TGIF people!
Since so many of our users are freelancers or small businesses, we thought we would share this week’s TGIF Time Management tips on marketing! Enjoy (and feel free to pass it on.)
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Stephen Dodd, Time Management, Time Management Tips Tagged With: OfficeTime, Stephen Dodd, Time Management, Time Management Tips
TGIF people!
Since so many of our users are freelancers or small businesses, we thought we would share this week’s TGIF Time Management tips on marketing! Enjoy (and feel free to pass it on.)
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips Tagged With: Office Time, Stephen Dodd, TGIF, Time Management, Time Management Tips, Time Tracker
TGIF People!!! Another week done and gone! But how many of us are actually leaving at 5pm and enjoying the weekend? Here are 3 Time Management tips to help you make a hasty exit and enjoy some much needed R&R.
#1. Realize you can leave before everything’s finished – Even if the Inbox is full.
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, time tracker, time tracking Tagged With: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, Time Tracker, Time Tracking, time tracking Tagged With: Office Time
Here it is, another Monday! Another week of hundreds of emails, dozens of phone calls and a to-do list that won’t quit. Sound familiar? Here are 3 Time Management Tips to help you leap tall buildings in a single bound!
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, time tracker, time tracking Tagged With: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Tracker, Time Tracking
The thing is, unlike everything else we can save (like money), we simply can’t save time. All we can do is budget it and spend it more effectively. Make every single second matter. So I wrote my answer to making that puzzle work: OfficeTime. And I made it to successfully answer all of the arguments I had and reasons I hated time tracking.
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, time tracker, time tracking Tagged With: Office Time, OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, Time Tracker, Time Tracking, Time Tracking Software, time tracking Tagged With: Office Time, track your time
Change it up! If you work in an office, telecommute and work from home once a week in order to get more done each day AND save all the time you would have spent commuting. If you work from home, do the opposite (we all know the endless distractions that can hit us in our home) – ask a friend who works nearby if they have a cubicle you can use once a week for your most focused activities.
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, time tracker, time tracking, Time Tracking Software Tagged With: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, Time Tracker, Time Tracking, time tracking Tagged With: Office Time
Much of the time, it’s the ability to say NO that truly equals effective time management in our lives (both professionally and personally). Of course, we believe that time tracking is the #1 time management tip – but just in case you need a few more, here are this week’s Time Management Tips from our team here at OfficeTime:
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, time tracker, time tracking, Time Tracking Clients, user profiles Tagged With: Careena Pooth, OfficeTime, Pooth & Associates, Time Management, Time Management Tips, Time Tracker, Time Tracking, time tracking Tagged With: Office Time
Time management is one of the most common struggles cited by my clients. We all know that time logs have been around forever, but a handwritten log is such a hassle that very few people bother with one unless they are required to by their company, or unless time logging is part of a scientific or professional protocol they need to follow. So most people just have no idea how they actually spend their time, and asking them to write their activities in a log usually is a dead end.
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, time tracker, time tracking Tagged With: Office Time, OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, Time Tracker, Time Tracking
Remember, time tracking means owning your time. If means knowing what you spend your time on (and what you don’t). Time management is not a science, it is an art, and the better you are AT time management and time tracking, the more likely you are to succeed in your life and your business.
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, time tracker, time tracking Tagged With: Office Time, OfficeTime, Time Management, Time Management Tips, Time Tracker, Time Tracking
3 More Time Management Tips from OfficeTime: #1. Take the time to plan your projects and tasks before you start. Don’t just rush in. Do you have the resources you need? The team? …
Posted on by Stephen Filed Under: OfficeTime, Time Management, user profiles Tagged With: OfficeTime, Siemens, Time Management, Time Tracker, Time Tracking, user profiles
Continuing with our user profiles, this week we are thrilled to feature Celia Poehls, Senior Integration Consultant in Professional Services at Siemens. Celia is hard working, amazingly articulate, left AND right brained, and definitely one of our favorite users. Tell us about company, Celia, and about the services you provide. I work in professional services at…