Google-Chrome Extensions are all about customizing the way by which we interface on the WWW. Whether keeping you on the edge of what’s happening, or allowing you to retrieve information from a picture, these tools are designed for rendering your needs as top-priority. If you’ve never installed a Google-Chrome Extension, now is the perfect time to give it a shot—stay steadfast.
The Keys to Profitable Productivity
Big shifts happened for me when I stopped checking email and messages first thing, and instead, invested the first hour of my day in exercise, meditation and finding MY agenda – rather than getting on someone else’s agenda. Next, I began working in focused, uninterrupted blocks of time on the highest value activities in my business. This resulted in a massive increase in productivity.
An Accountability Partner: Try it on for size.
By the very definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results), we should all stop repeating the same old patterns and start following through. Well, How? The best way, I found, is Accountability. Find yourself an Accountability Partner.
Would your Audience Listen to You and Take Action?
Speaking is a very serious business, and you should never underestimate the need to practice. My father gave thousands of sermons in his life. Even at his level of knowledge and experience he never skipped spending hours in preparing and rehearsing his weekly message. Practice will enable to deliver your comments the exact way you have planned and to deliver your story and the call to action with grace and inspiration.
The Size of Your E-List is Not Everything.
When it comes to list size, while numbers are definitely a huge plus, you can produce results even when your e-mail list is not large. Creativity is the catalyst that turns the situation around. Attitude is the mortar that will keep the bricks together. Arm yourself. Ready?
Reducing Time on E-Mail Could Be A Team-Wide Effort
We all agree that the e-mail tsunami needs to be contained. I believe the facts could help people realize the enormity of the issue. We need to have a reason for moving out of this painful situation; it is costing us too much. Calculate how much time you currently spend on e-mail, year-wise.