OfficeTime has been updated to be happier and less crashy when asking you survey questions. Go grab your update from the App Store!
None of the below is really relevant any more but your welcome to read it.
We’re having a bad month. We’ve had a whole year without any serious errors in OfficeTime for iPhone/iPad and this is the second big Oooops in the last month.
The good news is we’re so terribly mortified and embarrassed, that we’re giving away free copies of OfficeTime or even a donation to the charity of your choice. The bad news is the workaround for this bug requires a reinstall for some. Read on to learn more.
Some of you will be presented with a survey question asking how OfficeTime is doing. (Or perhaps a even a kind request to share us with friends.) You may find that OfficeTime crashes regardless of what you tap on as a response. I hate crashing. Even worse, next time you make a session, it’ll ask you again and crash again. That’s the worst kind of crashing.
If you’re using the lite version, the workaround is to get the full version. It will grab all of your data and just start working. Easy, peasy. However it’s not fair to make you pay to upgrade so… OfficeTime is on us. Write to us at and we’ll buy an upgrade for you. If you really can’t wait, go ahead and buy the full version yourself, write us, and we’ll issue you a refund (plus you get to keep using it.)
If you’re using the full version already, the workaround is to reinstall OfficeTime on your iPhone/iPad. Naturally we don’t want to lose any data doing this. So we’ll sync with the Mac/PC version first. If you’re already doing this, you’re good to go. If not, follow the directions below:
- I’ll refund your purchase of OfficeTime for iPhone/iPad. (Plus you can keep using it.)
- I’ll buy a copy of OfficeTime for Mac/PC for you.
- I’ll buy a copy of OfficeTime for Mac/PC or iPhone/iPad for a friend of yours.
- I’ll donate $7.99 to a charity of your choice.