We’ve been invited to write a few great articles on Time Management and how important it is to track time to accurately invoice clients – something we’re obviously passionate about! If a few of you out there who use OfficeTime would like to be featured, please comment here on this blog, and we’ll get back to you ASAP! And if you don’t use our Time Tracker yet, you can get a no-cost version of our App and easily try it out at http://bit.ly/OfficeTimeFree
Procrastination? Email? Meetings? What wastes your time???
Our follow-up survey is up at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TimeisMoney and covers Email, Procrastination, Meetings, Social Networking and a few other areas. A writer for the Wall Street Journal has asked us for some input, and we would love to be featured. We have to give our data back to him in the next 24 hours though. (Talk about a…
How Organization and Time Management in Your Professional Life Can Free Up Time for Your Personal Life
Joining us this week for our interview on the importance of time management is Gerardo Martinez. Gerardo is a graphic designer and illustrator who has three separate jobs, and lots of little jobs inside of those jobs. As a father-to-be, time management is extremely important to Gerardo, who wants to make sure he has time for his new baby. Gerardo explains to us how the OfficeTime app and time management skills has helped him juggle his sometimes hectic life.
3 Good Time Management Tips for Successful Email Management
#1. Segregate your Reading Material – If, like all of us, you receive tons of newsletters and blog updates, etc., take the time to change your subscription and have them re-routed to another email address – one you ONLY use for subscriptions. Don’t have Groupon and other offers sent there – JUST stuff you like…
3 Time Management Tips for a Busy Week from OfficeTime
#1. Sleep less! We realize, in the long run, this could work against you – but when under the gun on a project or facing the very real issues of a busy week, sometimes setting the clock an hour early can give you way more than time – it can give you an inspiring jump…
One GREAT Time Management Tip
What’s YOUR best Time Management Tip? Let us know – or share your own best time management tips – and get featured in our blog!
Time. The real commodity.
Urgent Inquiry: Could you estimate how much time you lose on random daily tasks for our WSJ article?
Our follow-up survey is up at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TimeisMoney and covers Email, Procrastination, Meetings, Social Networking and a few other areas. A writer for the Wall Street Journal has asked us for some input, and we would love to be featured.
Brilliant Editor Tracks Time and Increases Revenue
Time management is crucial to my business, because I charge by the hour, and until I found OfficeTime, I was truly winging it. I actually considered buying a chess clock to keep on my desk to try to keep some kind of track of my billable time. I’ve always told my clients that even when I am not sitting at my keyboard editing their books, I still carry their stories around in my head, mulling them over, and for that, I do not charge. But otherwise, I can now say that I am on the clock.
Perfect Time Management Tip for a Starbucks Generation
If you work in an office or a shared work area (or worse, in a “public” space, like a library or a Starbucks), one way to keep interruptions down is to be obviously very busy. If somebody interrupts you, don’t ask how they are. Instead, no matter what you’re doing, ask them if they can wait a moment. Then take a few seconds, finish your task and say, “Sorry, I’m really busy today. What can I do for you?” That sets the stage for a FAST interaction and keeps them on task. No chitchat necessary!
Subject: Features Aren’t Sexy
I believe great apps are not those that do everything. Great apps are the ones that do something well. And how do you define doing something well? It’s not always about power. It’s about being able to do the task with the minimum amount of friction. The more you have to think about using an app, the more you are distracted from doing the work you’ve set out to do.